Trov - On Demand Insurance For Your Things
Register in the app or at to get notified when it will be available in your state. In the meantime, you can use the Trov app to track important info about the things you own.
Insure just the things you want, exactly when you want, entirely from your phone.
Swipe to Protect
With just a few taps, turn protection ON for the things that are important to you. With no long-term commitments, you can swipe to turn protection OFF at any time if you decide it’s no longer right for you.
You’re Covered
Your things are protected against accidental damage, loss or theft anywhere in the world
Swipe to Claim
Claims are managed entirely in-app with an automated claims bot plus live chat.
Easily collect and back up information about your things
Start Troving the things you’re buying and get details automatically added by:
- Searching our product database
- Snapping a photo of a paper receipt
- Forwarding a digital receipt to
- Taking a photo of an item with Auto-ID
The world is talking about Trov
“Trov may have just made insurance something you’ll enjoy” -The Next Web
“As someone who personally hates dealing with insurance, I find this service extremely attractive and can’t wait for it to make its way to my shores.” - GeekTime
“They say the best startups feel like magic; this falls in that category, On-demand insurance for personal items.” - @mikeytom via Twitter
*Product features are subject to change and may vary by state.